Sunday, December 11, 2011

Another Yummy Giveaway!


Yeah, you all know I am a bit of a foodie. Okay, make that a LOT of a long as someone else is doing the cooking!

I do love a snack or two and am continually searching for that elusive munchie that isn't detrimental to the ol' health. (Although that doesn't stop me from eating the munchies that are.....).

So I jumped at the chance to try out the new Vege Twists from The Vege Chip Company. They tell me that I won't have to twist anybody's arm to get them to eat these veges......and they were right. My kids scoffed them down quicker than I could say I don't know what.

Stuff you need to know about Vege Twists:

* they are a yummy cheesy flavour

* they are good for lunchboxes

* they are yummy

* no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives

* they are yummy

* 80% less saturated fat than regular potato chips

* they are yummy

* 100% gluten free = yay for those who are gluten intolerant

* They are yummy

* made from a variety of grains & contain lupin flour which is high in protein, dietary fibre and antioxidents. (that means ticks of approval from me).

* they are yummy

* Lupin flour also reduces appetite = feel fuller quicker & longer = less snacking on junk food (another tick from me).

* did I mention they are yummy?

The Vege Chip Company has been making healthier snacks with no nasty additives or preservatives for over 20 years, becoming a brand that Aussie families can trust. And they are an Australian company too. Yay. I like that.

The healthy snackies available from The Vege Chip Company are:

* Vege Chips
* Vege Deli Crisps
* Vege Twists
* Vege Deli Rice Crisps

You can get them in the health food aisle at Woolworths and Coles across Australia as well as in some health food stores. Recommended Retail Price is $4.99 for a 6 bag multipack.

I have a multipack of 6 to giveaway to one lucky reader. If you would like to enter, please leave me a comment telling me what you like to put in lunchboxes (oh, and you need to be a follower of my blog). Giveaway is open to Australian residents. Start now, ends Sunday 18th Dec at 8:30pm Sydney time.

Ready, set,.....GO!

Karen xx

Disclaimer: I was sent some Vege Twists to sample and write about. Opinions are my own. No other payment was offered or received for this post.


This Mummy Maze said...

I like to put my homemade muffins, fruit and muesli bars.

merryl said...

Fruit, carrot sticks, a healthy sandwich and a frozen bottle of water.

merryl said...

I follow your blog via email.

Leimay said...

I like to add a homemade treat (pikelets, muffins, cupcakes etc) as well as a muesli bar, a juice box and a sandwich. Of course there is always at least one piece of fruit as well and occasionally a packet of chips or popcorn

Jasmine1485 said...

Ooh, I love these! I'm following via GFC as Jasmine1485 :)

For lunchbox lovelies: risotto cakes stuffed full of whatever vegies/meat/random pantry things are on hand; wraps made from flatbread or tortillas; homemade trailmix with plenty of nuts and seeds (I don't like dried fruit lol); salad made from grated carrot, cheese and finely diced Spanish onion; homemade slices and biscuits; savoury muffins; vegie sticks with some Greek yoghurt for dipping; and of course it's often leftovers! :)

kate1485 at

Bek Jones said...

I dont do lunchboxes - the kids do their own - that way they cant whinge that they dont like whats in, but they take the usual sandwich or roll, fruit, bubble bar, muffins, what ever we have in the house....