Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Recent bits of my life.

Mental blank without my phone (with photos in it) beside me! Be right back.

Right, so what's been happening in my world then? I swear, if I don't write it down, I've got Buckley's of remembering.

* I snuck back to Shellharbour to surprise Bek for her baby shower. This pic was taken at a quickly organised  picnic the next day, which gave the kids & I the chance to catch up with friends. Thank you to Deb for organising the baby shower & my Mother in Law for allowing her home to be invaded by me & 2 of her Grandkids.
that's me on the left & Bek on the right

* Trixie the dog jumped the fence into the neighbours yard. Again. She can't jump back home. Thank you nice lady for not getting cranky with us. I don't think I would like someone else's dog landing in my backyard. Ever.

* Looked up & noticed the filthy hanging pot holder in the kitchen. How often do you look up?

* Took on a gym class. And survived! It will be my Tuesday night regular whilst Zac is at cadets.

* Discovered a fantastic App called My Fitness Pal, thanks to Rachael from Fat to Fit and Fabulous by Forty.

* Liam and Megan started tennis lessons last week:
orange & blue shirt

* Zac is about to go on Year 11 Retreat for 3 nights with school. Feel like I haven't seen much of our big son lately - he was away with cadets the first week of the school holidays and I was away with the younger two for 4 days of the second week. And nobody told him to stop growing - he'll be 17 on the 26th. Please pass the tissues.

* Ray's been putting the hours in at work & taking the kids for a bike ride on the weekends. And even getting time to escape with a mate to go fishing. In his words "No fish have been harmed in any of our expeditions".

That's a quick wrap up of what's happening here.

What's happening there?


Bek Jones said...

Firstly, Thank you for surprising me for my baby shower! It was so very special. I cant wait to visit you guys when I have had this bub and travelling will be a little easier.
I still havent had this bub but you will be one of the first to know when it happens!
My amazing fiance got us a lovely new car in preparation for the arrival of bub ( and because the oldcar barley starts).
Nothing else happening as I dont leave the house unless I have an appt. The pain is almost too much - and my feet are now officially balloons....lol.

Keep blogging, I love reading about your new life! xoxo

rambling mum said...

Thank you gorgeous! can't wait for your beautiful bubba to arrive. Hope s/he hurries up. I'm still betting on a boy! my niece Jessica is now 12 weeks & found out they are having a girl. and they got engaged yesterday. talk to you soon xx