Saturday, August 25, 2012

More exploring

Oma came for a visit last weekend. That would be my mother in law. I am one of the lucky ones who has a great mother in law. So Oma you are welcome to come for sleepovers again.

We did some more touristy stuff, which was in our plans anyway.

Zac had a Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Service to participate in as an army cadet. His picture ended up in the local paper, but here's some Oma took:

taken at Quirindi

that's him on the left, with the gun

We went here:

And saw this:

And this:

And of course, will younger kids in tow, park stops were aplenty over the weekend. This one particular is a great park in Musswellbrook, which is about half an hour away. In a huge enclosure there are 3 or 4 lots of climbing equipment, the ropes, swings, a bike & scooter track for the kids to ride plus picnic tables & an electric bbq. And. clean. toilets. Fabulous for birthday parties or a family day out.

never too old. that's not a road in the background, it's the bike & scooter track

Oma,looking like she's freezing

tiring stuff!

What did you get up to recently?


Bek Jones said...

What a fun weekend! Ballet exams in this house and resting this body in the hope the bp drops soon! And booking accom for our australian wedding as passports are proving difficult at the moment. Xoxo

Angela said...

you sound like you have a good time. nothing exciting here, getting over another set of colds and baking biscotto for fathers day gifts.