Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pieces of My Day in Pics

poo patrol - she finds 'em, he picks 'em up

oh the embarrassment of it all!

army cadets bag

boo! note the attention span of the male species! both have their eyes on the tv.


hommus, recess for Zac for the week.

Also spent the day washing, cleaning, pancake making, gardening, just another Sunday really!

What did you get up to today?

Karen xx


Tina ~ Tina Gray {dot} Me said...

Haha! Love it! Would also love to know how much of each ingredient you used in your hommus. Have never tried making it before.

Erin said...

LOLing at the dog on the table and poo patrol ,I wish I could get Dylan to pick up the poos

rambling mum said...

Tina, I didn't use any measurements! I just rinsed the chick peas, threw them in my Tupper chopper/mixer thingy with less than a teaspoon of garlic, a GOOD squirt of lemonjuice & I also added some cooking oil (once around the bowl, forgot about that when I took the photo). Gave it a whizz around & kept adding lemon juice until I got the right consistancy. Added the curry powder as an after thought because it tasted a bit bland. Now it tastes great! Just give it a go, can't really go wrong. I reckon you could even skip the oil & use water instead. It was only to add moisture so it was easier to mix.