I wish it were the summer holidays, when they get to stay home for weeks and weeks. I love having my "chickens" home. I love to throw the routine out the window and not have to be out the door by 8:30am. That's later than some other families I know but our kids' schools are only 3 km away.
So, how have we spent our 2 weeks?
Week 1 was windy, windy and even more windy so we hung around home. We were so comfortable I almost forgot to go & visit my dear old Grandma on the Tuesday. It was about 3pm by the time I realised where I was meant to be.....OOPS!!! Lucky for me she is not sure what day or time it is (and Mum was there visiting when I got there) so we were able to use the excuse that I had been busy with the kids. I only took the youngest with me, nursing homes are not favoured places of teenagers & an 8 year old energetic boy is not the best visitor for a (temporarily?) bedridden 89 year old lady!
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Image:http://weheartit.com/entry/1087235 |
We attempted our picnic on the Wed & got windswept all the way back to my place to eat. Loved the chance to catch up with friends.
A couple of the kids had friends over, went to friends' houses, etc. The usual stuff.
Week 2 we went rollerskating (love it, love it, love it!). I got through unscathed this time. AND I even went in the speed skate. Just between you & I, the kids said I was the fastest one in it! (Zac went in the experienced speed skate - the REALLY fast one). Oh, and I took them all to visit Grandma a day early in her new digs. She moved to a much nicer nursing home :-)
Next day saw us at the movies with Tanya & her 2 kids and Bek & her 2 kids. Cars 2. Good movie, great company. Thanks ladies!
7:30am waiting to catch the train to Sydney |
On Wed we went to the ZOO!!!! Yay!!!! I love the zoo! Caught the train & ferry & had a great day out. Took the stroller but Megan only used it for about 10 mins. Her little legs did amazingly well considering she isn't quite 4 yet. The only downside to the day (apart from the icy wind) was that we had to be finished by a particular time to catch a train home. We got home at 8pm, which is quite late enough on public transport (sorry State Rail or whatever your name is now, but there are some undesirables on trains - I don't feel safe at night).
Next holidays I want to take the kids & stay a night or 2 in Sydney so we can catch a ferry to Manly or go to Luna Park or dawdle through Darling Harbour, go to Chinatown for dinner or whatever takes our fancy & not have to worry about a train timetable.
Ray & I went to a fabulous 40th birthday party on Fri night. My folks came to sit with the kids. It's not called babysitting anymore, the oldest is 15 you know. No, we don't leave him to babysit yet. He won't wipe Megan's bum if she does a poo........she would be sitting on that loo a hell of a long time waiting for Ray or I to come & do it! If I am ducking out quickly I will leave the kids here, but not for long periods of time.
We have bludged around since then. I've been to work of course over these holidays. But that's at night, so it has less of an impact than ususal because I have been able to spend each day with the kids.
Megan is sick today. She threw up at brunch. At the table. Whilst we were all eating. Luckily we brunched at home. She almost threw up her dinner too, but managed to keep it down. I'm keeping her home from preschool tomorrow. I hope the others don't catch it. Not when they are due to go back to school. Hubby felt a bit off earlier tonight so I hope he's not getting it either. He's like me - too busy to get sick.
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Not my real fruit bowl - we can't afford bananas! Image from google images. (http://kivasminiatures.blogspot.com/) |
Tomorrow is another hang around home day. Might take the boys for a haircut if the budget looks ok. Have to get some more fruit. The apples we bought on Wed after the movies have gone yukky already. I've been eating them every day but am drawing the line at them now.......Maybe the oranges on our tree are ready now. We tried one last week but they were just a touch too sour. Must try one again. Then I can get the kids to pick them all. Might fill in half an hour!
This week sees our info session / info to Year 11 & the HSC system. It's been 24 years since I have had any HSC experience. I'm sure it's changed since then! With Zac going into senior years next year, it's time to pick subjects. I'm glad he has a good idea about what he wants to do. Makes the process much simpler.
That's pretty much what's been doing here recently.......what's been doing at your place?
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