Sunday, June 26, 2011

School Holidays are almost here!!!!!

One more week to go! One more week to go!

I get quite a bit just a tad excited when it's school holiday time. There is not much I like more than to throw that routine out the window & have nice slow relaxing days.

Days when the kids can stay in their pyjamas until lunchtime if they want to.

Days when we don't have to be anywhere by 9am.

Days when we can go and explore a different park. And a different fish & chip shop. It's amazing how good hot chips taste at the park!

I would like to take the kids to Taronga Park Zoo in Sydney these school holidays, if the budget permits it.

And one day I'd like us to catch a train to Kiama and spend the day there. Just because we haven't caught the train there before (I don't count 22 years ago when I caught the train to Kiama daily for work).

If the sun comes out like it did today (I love sunny days), we may even venture out to the beach to build sandcastles and go in the water up to our knees. Ant further in would be too cold.

What are you planning to do these winter school holidays?


Bek Williams said...

Well, theres an eisteddfod, a paed appt, a birthday party, not to mention the sleep ins!! lol
We might give Kiama a miss though after fish and chips cost us nearly $40 yesterday!! Its not cheap to eat fish and chips on the harbour anymore!!

rambling mum said...

the 2 weeks will just fly, won't they Bek! With Kiama, you have to shop around - the kids & I went with Dad one time to a cafe one of his friends recommended but it was a full-on expensive & it was already up to $70 before we had even finished ordering. So we cancelled that & went down the road & it was less than $30. And it was really yummy too!