Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Toilet Paper Rolls

Home from work at 1am.  Use kid's bathroom. Toilet paper roll - empty. Change it.

Off to bed 2:30am. Use ensuite. Toilet paper roll - you guessed it - empty. Change it.

Some things never change......unless I change them!


Tina Gray said...

LOL I have a sign hanging above the toilt roll that says "changing the toilet roll will not cause brain damage". But it looks like my family are too scared to try it ;)

rambling mum said...

when i worked in banking, we used to have regular staff training sessions & one of our ladies demonstrated how to change the roll as the training session! i guess she got fed up with it too!

Sandra said...

That's because toilet paper rolls are magical and can only be changed by the mother...didn't you know that? haha!
Am reading your comment above and am laughing: yeah, a training session is a genius idea!