Wednesday, August 25, 2010

THIS is why I don't bake.

Missy Megan turned 3 over the weekend.

She wanted a pink Dora cake.

I spent nearly 3 days scouring shops trying to find decent Dora cake-topper stuff.

Dear friend Bek came to the rescue with some Dora & Boots accessories.

Attempt # 1. Thursday.
Giant cupcake ready to bake

Burned whilst I got caught in the school traffic jam

Attempt # 2. Friday.

only I can fail a packet mix! The boys had some after school though...

Attempt # 3. Saturday. Birthday.

Sent darling hubby to buy me unfilled sponge from Woollies & I decorated it.

I should have known.........

This is the cake my beautiful mother in law bought.

Insert frustrated scream here.

Disclaimer: I did know she was bringing a cake but I also wanted a home made one.

A bit overwhelmed with the whole singing thing. And yes that is a cheesecake that my hubby bought - obviously he has great confidence in my baking skills too thought he would cater to everyone's taste - my cake was on the table, just not in this photo.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Little Pink Cupcakes

I thought I would share some of mine & Missy Megan's morning with you.......

licking the bowl.....mmmmm....
excited me. complete with massive cold sore
Megan getting excited now

yep - ready to ice now mum!

Made with Tina Gray in mind.....Here

Not as fancy as Jenna's Here

A packet mix, even.

But we made them!


this is what i had. honest.
nom nom nom

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Toilet Paper Rolls

Home from work at 1am.  Use kid's bathroom. Toilet paper roll - empty. Change it.

Off to bed 2:30am. Use ensuite. Toilet paper roll - you guessed it - empty. Change it.

Some things never change......unless I change them!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I Worked Out Why Mums Don't Eat Breakfast

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Break the fast, kick start your metabolism, give your body some fuel to run on, & all that stuff.

So why don't Mums eat breakfast?

Are we too busy feeding the kids & getting them ready for school?

Are we too busy going through our mental checklist of what we need to do in the day?

Do we not value ourselves enough to think we deserve to look after ourselves properly?


It's because every time we sit down to eat our breakfast, the bloody kids want something!!!!!

Brought to you by soggy cereal at 10:30am. Yes, that is the time I got to eat my breakfast today. Now I remember why sometimes I don't even bother.

Sound familiar?