Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Working on my BlogLook.

Tonight I have been playing around with the look of my blog page. I still consider myself new to the blogging world, with so much still to be explored! But I think I am going to have a lot of fun exploring this world.

There are certainly lots of lovely blogger friends I am meeting along the way.......lots of fascinating lives to read about.

So please bear with me whilst I change things about, make a few mistakes, & hopefully fix them! And Tina, I may be putting your phone number on speed dial! If I get stuck, I will be calling you to take you up on your offer of help - I hope there was no expiry date on it!

And if anyone finds I do anything ethically incorrect in the blogging world, please let me know (if I inadvertantly omit a link or button or something I am still learning about - please be patient!). I would hate to offend anyone unintentionally (if it's intentional, that's a different matter - lol). 

Suggestions for the look of my page are most welcome - I am not a creative person so if you know something would look better, please let me know - construction criticism is great.

Thanks ladies!

Karen xx


Tina Gray said...

No expiry date, Karen LOL I'd be more than happy to give you a hand :)

As for breaking blogging "rules", I think the main thing is to give credit and link back to anything you "borrow".

rambling mum said...

Thank you Tina! You are a star. xx