Monday, May 31, 2010

Entertaining our 2 Year-Old......

I know as a Mum, I am often racking my brain, trying to think up ways to entertain our 2 year old daughter Megan.

I thought I would share with you some of the things we have done in the past few weeks.....

* Made a snowman from home made playdough

* Attended storytime followed by a sing & dance session at a local library (courtesy of Kidsfest Shellharbour 2010)

* Made a greenhouse at a Bunnings DIY workshop (again, courtesy of Kidsfest)

* Cutting out pictures from the junk mail (great recycling!) & gluing them on to paper (Megan has yet to learn that you usually glue the back of the picture, not the front!)

* Splashed in puddles in the rain

I would love to hear some of the ideas you have for entertaining your youngsters!

Karen xx


Bek said...

Your little princess would be happy with anything! How about (pretend)cooking with a bowl, spoon, and any ingredients she is allowed to mix together. For example - flour, pasta, sugar, chips,cereals, oats, sprinkles - whatever is safe and she can have fun with. As long as you dont mind the small amount of wastage! The more my girls did it the more stuff we added. Patty cases, cake tins, So much fun but maybe do it outside!

bek said...

or make goop! Cornflour and water! great fun but again do it outside!

rambling mum said...

Thanks Bek!
Great ideas for us to try....the more mess, the better in my opinion.....