I have to love this time of year. The sun is shining more often than not. Sure the nights are still
cold cool here (the last few have been only 1 or 2 degrees), but with a wood fire, we are fortunate to be snug & warm in our home.
The trees are blooming. It's just too, too nice to be inside.
Yesterday I took the younger two kids to a Farmer's Market. Now, tell me what images those words conjure up in your head.
Farmer's Market.
I imagined trestle tables with boxes of potatoes, pumpkins, onions, cauliflowers, cabbages, lettuce, oranges, strawberries, lemons, etc to be felt, smelt, bought & brought home to enjoy the fresh, full flavours.
It was advertised as having local beef & lamb available to buy.
Exactly what we have been looking for.
It wasn't what I expected. Let's just say I didn't come home with any fruit. Or veg. Or meat. But we did have really yummy sausage sandwiches. And I tasted a really yummy locally made red wine. And I brought home some direct from the local factory fudge. I guess I am used to bigger markets. This one only had a dozen stalls. However I would like to stop at the seed stall once we are back in a home of our own.
I really really really wanted to see the bag lady. And she did not disappoint! I have never been a "bag lady", but I swear she could convert me! For those of you who missed it on Facebook, here's a pic:
Driving home:
grape vines |
olive trees
Today saw a bbq at the primary school to celebrate the appointment of our new Parish Priest, Father Peter. Every Vietnamese Priest I have ever met has been named Peter. Very popular name!
that's my two on the left with sunnies on their head, plus Megan in between
father & son basketball
Liam spectating |
(We had some other photos too, but they had other people's kids in them & I didn't want to put them online without their parents' permission.)
Apart from that, it's been washing, washing and more washing.
What have you been up to this weekend?
Tell me what your favourite stall is at your local markets.
Karen xx