Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Washing, Anyone?

My laundry on any given day.......

How's yours?

Plastic Surgery


Facelift in progress...........no............it's not me have a nose job or having some wrinkles smoothed out with Botox or anything like that........I felt a need to update the look of my blog. So it's having a facelift. It's a darn sight cheaper than the human kind too!

And I have returned to a pink theme........Nawwwwww.....

Please bear with me whilst I chip away at it and tweak bits here & there. Suggestions are most welcome - (read - feel free to help me here!).

Can you recommend any websites where I can find no nonsense, basic language tips on how to design a blog site? Warning, I am a techno idiot.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Home Delivery

Just took delivery of my first go at online grocery shopping.

This is a top up shop, not a full shop. I can't feed a family of 6 with only this amount of groceries. If you can, please, please, please let me know so I can get some tips from you.

I have fought the urge so many times, baulking at the higher prices that at my local Woollies, but I've hit the proverbial brick wall & can't take any more. So I succumbed & am already relieved, before I have even put any away!

The delivery driver was half an hour early - bonus! That frees me up to so an extra half an hour of blogging, facebooking, cleaning.

He brought it in & put it on my kitchen bench, although I would heve preferred it if he left his BO scent in the truck. Fruit & Veg are coming this arvo from Illawarra Fruit Direct.
Have you tried online shopping to free up some of your time? How do you feel about grocery shopping? Normally I love it,, but have too much on my plate right now to go out in public!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another one about Grandma.....

I've blogged about my dear old Grandma before. You'll find that here.

Here's a recent pic - in her beautiful blue jumper that is the perfect colour for her.

Grandma will be 89 this month.

Last month she came with Mum & I to look at a couple of nursing homes so she could consider moving there. She has been assessed as needing High Level Care, which means the Nursing Home wing as opposed to the hostel wing or independent living at a retirement village. She has decided not to go - it was like going to a hospital to live.

She had a fall at home on Wednesday and is in hospital with a fractured pelvis.

She has her colour back today & is her normal self mentally. They upped her painkillers so the physiotherapist can work with her to get her up again. They got her out of bed today. She said it was very painful. But she did it. Big tick to Grandma. A step in the right direction.

We don't know how long she is going to be there. We don't know what's going to happen when she is medically stable enough to be discharged from hosiptal. We don't know if she is going home or to a nursing home. The doctors have said she needs to go into one.

At what stage does the decision get taken out of the elderly's hands?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

When Breaking Things is OK.


Just had to share a proud Mummy moment - here's what our 2 boys did at Tae Kwon Do last night whilst I went to work.

Zac is 15 & Liam is 8. They are both on their black tip, which is one step away from their black belt.

That makes it okay to break things. Like wood.

Do your kids like to break things too?